Hi Church family and friends,
I am excited to announce the launch of our upcoming vision campaign, The Master’s Voice. As the Apostle John wrote to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, one verse was written 7 times, once to each church. This verse is “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” ESV. We know The Master’s Voice is calling us to something special that is life changing for the church, and our community and beyond.
Our hope and prayer is that we hear and carry out what our Master, Jesus Christ, is calling us to do and that we do it with all our hearts. There are several things that we will be doing along this trail but the key is prayer and listening to The Master’s Voice. We want to saturate this calling and the work before us with prayer, knowing that God will speak to us and lead us in His ways.
Imagine that we lived in a world where our children could once again play safely in our neighborhoods and live a life that was filled with values and a hope for the future. Imagine that we could impact future generations, as well as our current generations, by making a positive difference in their life and instilling purpose and meaning to lives and families. We see with the life transformation of the Holy Spirit, that this is all possible and we are called to lead the charge. Most recently God has been expanding the church’s ministries and we are seeing more people join us on this trail. We believe and have seen the power of God in transforming lives, saving marriages, freeing people from the bondage of addiction and shame, and bringing hope and meaning to life, all by the work of the Holy Spirit.
On behalf of The Master’s Voice campaign team, I am excited to share with you about the journey the Lord has put before us and the opportunity, that you have, to be a vital part of this amazing journey. God has given us, Trail of Life Cowboy Church, a vision to follow Jesus and lead others to follow him. We do this by fulfilling our mission statement to Gather, Grow, Produce and we invite you to join us on this journey. As we ride forward fulfilling God’s calling, we ride with one vision and one voice.
We are in the process of not only having a greater impact on our community but also expanding our current facilities so we can reach more people and have the facilities to impact more lives. More people being saved, more people seeing their lives transformed, more people growing in a relationship with God, more people surrendering to The Master’s Voice, and more people serving their Lord and Savior like never before. Our goal is to see lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and we invite you to join us on this journey and would be honored to serve Jesus alongside of you. To do this we will need to raise funds to complete this project so we can effectively serve and disciple more people. This campaign is about prayer, people, families, souls and being obedient to The Master’s Voice.
It is not everyday that you see something of this magnitude and in the 15 years Trail of Life has been serving Jesus, we have never embarked on a journey this large. However, we know that God is calling and that we are being called to action. You are part of this calling and there is no limit to what God can do through those faithful followers of Jesus who respond to the vision he has placed before us.
Your partner in Christ,
Josh Henry
I am excited to announce the launch of our upcoming vision campaign, The Master’s Voice. As the Apostle John wrote to the seven churches in the book of Revelation, one verse was written 7 times, once to each church. This verse is “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” ESV. We know The Master’s Voice is calling us to something special that is life changing for the church, and our community and beyond.
Our hope and prayer is that we hear and carry out what our Master, Jesus Christ, is calling us to do and that we do it with all our hearts. There are several things that we will be doing along this trail but the key is prayer and listening to The Master’s Voice. We want to saturate this calling and the work before us with prayer, knowing that God will speak to us and lead us in His ways.
Imagine that we lived in a world where our children could once again play safely in our neighborhoods and live a life that was filled with values and a hope for the future. Imagine that we could impact future generations, as well as our current generations, by making a positive difference in their life and instilling purpose and meaning to lives and families. We see with the life transformation of the Holy Spirit, that this is all possible and we are called to lead the charge. Most recently God has been expanding the church’s ministries and we are seeing more people join us on this trail. We believe and have seen the power of God in transforming lives, saving marriages, freeing people from the bondage of addiction and shame, and bringing hope and meaning to life, all by the work of the Holy Spirit.
On behalf of The Master’s Voice campaign team, I am excited to share with you about the journey the Lord has put before us and the opportunity, that you have, to be a vital part of this amazing journey. God has given us, Trail of Life Cowboy Church, a vision to follow Jesus and lead others to follow him. We do this by fulfilling our mission statement to Gather, Grow, Produce and we invite you to join us on this journey. As we ride forward fulfilling God’s calling, we ride with one vision and one voice.
We are in the process of not only having a greater impact on our community but also expanding our current facilities so we can reach more people and have the facilities to impact more lives. More people being saved, more people seeing their lives transformed, more people growing in a relationship with God, more people surrendering to The Master’s Voice, and more people serving their Lord and Savior like never before. Our goal is to see lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and we invite you to join us on this journey and would be honored to serve Jesus alongside of you. To do this we will need to raise funds to complete this project so we can effectively serve and disciple more people. This campaign is about prayer, people, families, souls and being obedient to The Master’s Voice.
It is not everyday that you see something of this magnitude and in the 15 years Trail of Life has been serving Jesus, we have never embarked on a journey this large. However, we know that God is calling and that we are being called to action. You are part of this calling and there is no limit to what God can do through those faithful followers of Jesus who respond to the vision he has placed before us.
Your partner in Christ,
Josh Henry
The Master's Voice challenges the 7 churches
Revelation 3:22 extends Jesus’ final challenge to the seven churches of Asia Minor. The challenge extends to us too. We should heed Jesus’ messages to the seven churches.
We can learn from His message to the church at Ephesus to keep our love for the Lord fresh and fervent. We can learn from His message to the church at Smyrna to be faithful unto death. From His message to the church at Pergamum we can learn to reject sexual immorality and the rule of others over the church. From what Jesus said to the church at Thyatira we can learn to hold fast to the faith until Jesus comes. From Jesus’ message to the church at Sardis we can learn to remember the truth and stay alert. Jesus’ words to the church at Philadelphia teach us to endure with patience, the race that is set before us. And from the message to the Laodicean church we can learn to avoid smug complacency and to keep the door open for Jesus to enter every area of our life.
We can learn from His message to the church at Ephesus to keep our love for the Lord fresh and fervent. We can learn from His message to the church at Smyrna to be faithful unto death. From His message to the church at Pergamum we can learn to reject sexual immorality and the rule of others over the church. From what Jesus said to the church at Thyatira we can learn to hold fast to the faith until Jesus comes. From Jesus’ message to the church at Sardis we can learn to remember the truth and stay alert. Jesus’ words to the church at Philadelphia teach us to endure with patience, the race that is set before us. And from the message to the Laodicean church we can learn to avoid smug complacency and to keep the door open for Jesus to enter every area of our life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of this campaign? The purpose of this campaign is to enable the church to reach more people for Jesus. Part of that is to raise funds to expand our new facility and increase our community reach.
How much will the improvements cost? We have designed the expansion with our consultant, Vision Bridge. The expansion is estimated at 1.75 million.
How will the funds be raised? Funds will be raised in a variety of ways. There will be an internal aspect of The Master’s Voice where each of us will be invited to go on a prayer journey and prayerfully consider how we might financially participate.. This is a step of faith and we all get a front row seat to watch the Lord bless. There will be an external aspect of the campaign as well. We will reach out to those who have attended Trail of Life Cowboy Church in the past, and those who are still invested in our ministry. There will also be the opportunity for businesses and the community to participate through one-time gifts.
Will there be opportunities to raise additional funds outside the church walls? Yes, Trail of Life Cowboy Church will be meeting with different companies to gain partnerships in our fund raising goals. We will also explore other avenues, such as: Intentional Asks through prayerful consideration, alumni participation, and community connections, among others.
If I decide to give, how long would I be making this pledge? The duration of the giving period will be three years, however, donations can be a one-time gift.
What if my financial situation changes after I make my commitment? While we hope that won’t happen for you in a negative way, we understand the future is unknown. If your situation changes, you and your family would determine the most appropriate response. As this is a commitment between you and the Lord, we trust you will prayerfully work through it with the Lord.
Will I get a tax receipt for my donations? Yes, all funds donated to The Master’s Voice fund will receive the same tax receipting as any other giving to Trail of Life Cowboy Church.
How can I help with or fully participate in this? We ask that you join us in prayer, as God is the one who will ultimately provide for His church. Prayer is not the only thing that we will do, but it must be the first thing.
Can my employer match my gift if they have a matching program? Yes, the business would receive a donation receipt for tax purposes the same as an individual donor. You may need to look at the regulations for your employer’s matching funds. We would be happy to help however we can.
Is this commitment/pledge in addition to my normal giving? Yes. We’re asking that you pledge for 3 years an amount over your normal giving. We use the General Operating Fund, where your normal tithes and offerings are placed, for the day-to-day operations of the church. The funds pledged for the Master’s Voice will be placed in a separate fund.
Where can I get further information about The Master’s Voice? If you would like to talk with someone one-on-one, please feel free to contact Pastor Josh (pastor@trailoflife.org).

"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches."
Rev. 3:22 (ESV)